Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Abroadly Speaking, I Haven't Got a Clue

As a student of the Americas, next year, I will be going on a year abroad. It's not that I despise Warwick so much that I have to spend a quarter of my degree elsewhere, it's a compulsory part of my degree, CAS. The Higgs World Tour has been planning its itinerary for some months now; in actual fact, it's been on my mind, on and off, ever since I chose this degree way back when life was so different.

Back then, Tinie Tempah was Number one with Written in the Stars, I was still refereeing, and David Miliband was the favourite to become the next leader of the Labour Party.

Back then, I hadn't got a clue where I wanted to go on my Year Abroad. And, up until three weeks ago, I still didn't.

Over the last year and a bit, I've changed my mind countless times. My personal, self-imposed criteria have changed on an almost daily basis. My hand has been forced somewhat due to circumstances beyond my control that have transpired recently, but that doesn't make the decision any easier.

I've eventually settled upon a destination, through a Russian Roulette type approach, but that's not to say I've always been entirely convinced that I've made the right decision. The process of deciding where I want to go, can roughly be equated to a motorway journey in horrendous weather, whilst drunk, in which you get a surprisingly delicious kebab from a dodgy-looking van at the end. To de-construct; the horrendous weather is the complications we've had thrown at us. The dodgy kebab is the notion that I don't know whether my decision will eventually come back and bite me. The drunkenness is just that I had a few cans of Carling when it all became a bit too much.

So anyway, here is the timeline of a Year Abroad decision. The most exciting motorway journey since my Sat-nav packed up around the Coventry bypass and I yelled the C word repeatedly at the top of my lungs for ten minutes.

October 2010: Apply to Warwick for CAS largely on the basis it contains a year abroad. I'll be somewhere hot for twelve months, chatting to everyone in a Hugh-Grant, quintessentially English manner, spending days on the beach reading F. Scott Fitzgerald and hanging out with Arnie. Maybe I'll even go to Latin America, if my Spanish is good enough.

November 2011: Arrive at Warwick and realise I won't be going to Latin America as my Spanish won't be good enough. Not disappointed in the slightest. Heart set on 'the States, definitely'. Laugh off suggestions that I could head to Canada as it's full of snow and moose, neither of which appeal to me. Besides, Mum wants to go to California on holiday.

December 2011: Decide to go all out for Columbia in New York, partly because it's a challenge, partly because I've always wanted a ride in a yellow taxi, and partly because the daughter in The Sopranos goes there. Stumble across the New England Birmingham City Supporters Club via Twitter and Facebook. Heart sinks at the fact I'll still have to be subjected to moans about the Blues even when I'm out of the country.

June 2012: Becomes apparent that Columbia won't be an option for our year. Exchanges have to balance, and for reasons I simply cannot fathom, a New Yorker doesn't want to spend a year in Coventry. They haven't seen Pool Meadow Bus Station. Cry for a week and then set my heart on finding a new place, enthusiasm renewed. Whispers that University of Texas may become an option.

October 2012: Preparations start in earnest. Rumours and scare-mongering that Connecticut is now off the list, and Texas won't be happening. Never mind, California has ten places, it'll be fine. North Carolina looks gorgeous on the destinations page, maybe I'll go there? Still not going to Latin America. Or Canada. Rather spend a year in Coventry.

November 2012: North Carolina's off the list. As is Wyoming. Connecticut is 'highly doubtful'. Oh, and California only has five places now. And one of them isn't actually on a campus, you'll be doing an internship at the local prison. Or something like that, I'm too blinded by rage to listen. Finally I crack and decide to pay Canada some attention. Toronto, I suppose I'll look at that. Canada has too many a's in, and Toronto has too many o's, it'll be rubbish. Don't even get me started on 'Ontario'. Putting vowel-ism aside, it doesn't actually look full of snow and moose. It actually looks a bit futuristic. Sort of New York-esque. Too proud to admit it looks stunning so bury head in the sand. Finally, tentatively, ask a current CAS student what it's like. He hasn't got a bad word to say about it. As does the course director. 'Like America without the nasty bits'. I'm being won round...

Mid-November 2012: Discover that Danny Dichio scored Toronto FC's first ever goal. A big, tall, rubbish player who haunted my childhood when he played for West Bromwich Albion. I'm big, tall and rubbish. It's a sign. Resign myself to fact that Connecticut is firmly off the list. Research some of Toronto's modules. Through slightly less gritted teeth, they look fascinating. History of Modern Espionage? Yes please. 21st best university in North America? Makes Warwick look like BCU. Second choice, Vancouver or something. I'm too set on Toronto to bother researching. Third choice, South Carolina. Or maybe it was California.
Pool Meadow Bus Station

Connecticut's back on the list.  As is North Carolina. Rumours that Toronto's doubtful. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy had fewer plot-twists than this. I threaten to set myself on fire in the piazza as a form of protest. Life becomes a game of stick or twist. Stick with Toronto, now one of the most prestigious universities on the list, only for it to eventually come falling down around me? Or twist and opt for Connecticut?

I stick. The waiting game commences. With so much tinkering and tailoring, there's no way we'll find out before Christmas; I'm in for the long haul.

November 28th: Text from our Social Sec: 'Check your email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x' Either the course has been scrapped with immediate effect or the Year Abroad placements have been announced. It's the latter... Santiago...California...North Carolina... Toronto...YES!

So, I'll be spending my third year of university in the sixth biggest city in North America. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All the jibes about CAS, all the posts on Overheard at Warwick, all the little 'what the hell is your course?' comments. All of them, expunged with one click in the inbox. Those who can't see the appeal of our course can't fathom rational thought above the engines of the U1. It may not be Medicine. It may not be Maths with Applied Rocket Science. But it's our course, and the third year is our Mecca. Our utopia. Our raison d'etre. The ray of light that shines through Aisles E and F on Floor 3 of the library.

Bring it on.

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